1.   We had triple concertina wire set up, claymores, and tripwires, and we even cut some fields of fire.

2.   American and Cuban outposts face each other across high fences topped with concertina wire.

3.   Big loops of concertina wire littered the perimeter of the complex.

4.   A central patch of grass had been swept for mines and covered with concertina wire.

5.   A side street is blocked by concertina wire and concrete barriers.

6.   A wire-mesh fence topped with concertina wire surrounds the medium-security prison at Lino Lakes.

7.   Concertina wire, army checkpoints and blue-and-white flags mark the Israeli-controlled area.

8.   He then drives along the coast to the concertina wire and machine-gun turrets of the Rosh Hanikra border post.

9.   If you do happen to get past that fence, you have about five rows of concertina wire coming up from the ground.

10.   In Guamuchilito, the Carrillo compound is ringed by high walls and concertina wire.

n. + wire >>共 179
telephone 11.83%
news 9.51%
waiver 9.13%
concertina 7.07%
trip 4.63%
cable 3.47%
steel 2.83%
phone 2.83%
ground 2.44%
power 1.93%
concertina + n. >>共 6
wire 90.16%
fence 3.28%
fashion 1.64%
gate 1.64%
perimeter 1.64%
spread 1.64%
每页显示:    共 55