1.   In any case he seemed reluctant to become engaged in a ground war -- except possibly to retain the rich prize of Malaya and its rubber.

2.   Among them is continued uncertainty about the progress of the battles in Yugoslavia, including the possibility of a ground war involving American troops.

3.   Another faction says the United States should conduct the ground war alone to avoid alliances that could come back to haunt America.

4.   Asked Wednesday about the reports of preparations for a ground war, Putin said every tool needed to destroy terrorists in Chechnya will be used.

5.   A ground war could help builders of armored equipment, like General Dynamics.

6.   A ground war like this will be far harder for Russia than the air war has been.

7.   A number of NATO allies, including the United States, remain opposed to a ground war.

8.   Administration officials said, however, that they did expect a preliminary discussion on the option of a ground war.

9.   British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said that the air campaign was not enough and that NATO must prepare for a ground war.

10.   Bush also believes his air and ground war will prevail.

n. + war >>共 590
guerrilla 13.12%
trade 11.57%
air 6.32%
drug 6.17%
turf 4.17%
gulf 3.48%
ground 2.99%
border 2.17%
culture 2.04%
propaganda 1.81%
ground + n. >>共 633
troop 19.37%
force 9.69%
rule 6.33%
beef 3.43%
controller 3.03%
attack 2.46%
stroke 2.41%
war 2.33%
game 2.08%
operation 1.69%
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