1.   One day the elder of the two went out hunting, and disappeared.

2.   So each interviewer goes out hunting for informants who fit into the right boxes - or quotas.

3.   Four years ago, Shelton went pheasant hunting in Rio Vista and followed it up with striper fishing with his son in the Delta.

4.   He said he went quail hunting last year, but not dove hunting.

5.   Nobody goes out hunting for Joe Lieberman.

6.   Some go out hunting for little bugs to eat.

7.   We never went out hunting.

8.   We would always go antique hunting.

9.   When the team was off last week, he went oyster hunting in North Carolina, and cut his feet on sharp shells in an oyster bed.

10.   But on one long flight, Swedish promoter Gen. Sven Thofelt related how pre-historic man went out to hunt with skis and weapons to feed his starving family.

v. + hunt >>共 55
go 14.00%
use 13.00%
grow_up 5.00%
be 4.00%
dive 3.00%
house 2.00%
allow 2.00%
breed 2.00%
come 2.00%
earth_up 2.00%
go + v. >>共 313
say 5.82%
look 4.12%
be 4.00%
try 3.03%
shop 2.18%
follow 2.06%
drink 2.06%
get 1.70%
hunt 1.70%
have 1.58%
每页显示:    共 14