1.   Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.

2.   However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.

3.   She can go out shopping.

4.   A few years ago we went stereo shopping.

5.   After being paid, his friend was able to go grocery shopping at the supermarket, he said, a great luxury for a street child.

6.   All he knew, he insisted, was that Miss Maddux had gone out shopping and never returned.

7.   Only women are allowed to go out shopping for bread, and ethnic Albanian men spend the entire day and night inside their apartments, he said.

8.   Pat Conroy sank into severe depression, as he had several times before, stopped writing his novel, considered suicide, even went out shopping for a gun.

9.   Sometime over the next few days, after the Thanksgiving leftovers are finally eaten or turn unusual colors, you will have to go grocery shopping again.

10.   They went antique shopping in the Mission.

v. + shop >>共 48
go 19.15%
do 10.64%
be 10.64%
make 6.38%
stop 3.19%
come 2.13%
holiday 2.13%
offer 2.13%
spend 2.13%
become 1.06%
go + v. >>共 313
say 5.82%
look 4.12%
be 4.00%
try 3.03%
shop 2.18%
follow 2.06%
drink 2.06%
get 1.70%
hunt 1.70%
have 1.58%
每页显示:    共 18