1.   This Melanie of his must have been a right madam, thought Leonora when Penry went off to get himself a glass of whisky.

2.   Got to go across to that Olympus, right shall we come on quickly.

3.   But when you go up to get Peter take some up with you.

4.   If you go in to get a nose job, you might die.

5.   Nor is it necessarily about bragging rights and asterisks or who went through whom to get which championship.

6.   Ordonez can fully appreciate what the three went through just to get to this point.

7.   To get going, to get ahead.

8.   When I went down to get him I was nonchalant.

9.   When he went back to get the photographs, the film developers told him they had been impressed by his natural ability.

10.   When he went into orbit last week, getting into an expletive-filled argument with linebacker Andre Royal, few people were surprised.

v. + get >>共 732
do 7.94%
work 7.35%
fight 3.81%
rush 3.58%
can 3.14%
be 2.36%
use 2.28%
figure 1.96%
out 1.38%
lie 1.22%
go 0.55%
go + v. >>共 313
say 5.82%
look 4.12%
be 4.00%
try 3.03%
shop 2.18%
follow 2.06%
drink 2.06%
get 1.70%
hunt 1.70%
have 1.58%
每页显示:    共 14