1.   And far from the border closings imposed by Israel are the exhibit openings imposed by artists who shun khaki for leather and guns for glue sticks.

2.   And far from the checkpoint closings imposed by Israel are the exhibit openings imposed by artists who shun khaki for leather and guns for glue sticks.

3.   So to keep socks at this height, without having them drop further, students use Sock Touch, a special glue stick marketed for just this purpose.

4.   There are Christmas light replacement bulbs, a window scraper, furniture stain sticks, a glue stick, batteries, scissors, hammer, ruler, etc.

5.   They used an empty glue stick for a mold.

n. + stick >>共 257
bamboo 8.67%
incense 6.04%
bread 3.41%
carrot 3.25%
night 3.10%
riot 2.94%
celery 2.48%
rice 2.17%
needle 2.01%
glow 1.86%
glue 0.77%
glue + n. >>共 49
gun 27.74%
size 8.03%
ear 6.57%
surface 5.11%
factory 3.65%
sniffer 3.65%
stick 3.65%
block 2.19%
residue 2.19%
set 2.19%
每页显示:    共 5