1.   A new ballpark was being debated, and neighborhood opponents reacted as though they smelled an incinerator or a glue factory.

2.   Only a year later, Dancer winds up at the glue factory.

3.   The glue factory closed down, too.

4.   Was it time to send Old Reliable to the glue factory?

5.   We know the dark horses who have gone to the glue factory.

n. + factory >>共 672
garment 4.29%
bomb 4.04%
textile 3.78%
car 3.28%
weapon 2.38%
cement 2.31%
auto 2.16%
shoe 1.95%
cigarette 1.69%
arm 1.48%
glue 0.18%
glue + n. >>共 49
gun 27.74%
size 8.03%
ear 6.57%
surface 5.11%
factory 3.65%
sniffer 3.65%
stick 3.65%
block 2.19%
residue 2.19%
set 2.19%
每页显示:    共 5