1.   She fails to recognize that getting things done requires a different way of exercising power.

2.   And getting there will require bold thinking and hard choices.

3.   And yet, getting DSL requires jumping through some hoops.

4.   As in America, getting things done requires influence and connections.

5.   But getting there will require working out major disagreements, both financial and philosophical.

6.   But getting into shape requires professional adaptation.

7.   But getting Dele would require a trade.

8.   But no one thinks that getting to first base requires running.

9.   But often, getting the job requires winning an international competition.

10.   Getting a license requires passing two semi-annual inspections, and those requirements are the same whether you run a roadside rooster show or the Metro Zoo.

v. + require >>共 378
do 8.14%
get 3.85%
use 1.78%
win 1.63%
make 1.48%
be 1.33%
create 1.33%
buy 1.18%
change 1.18%
account 1.04%
get + v. >>共 288
be 38.16%
marry 2.93%
hit 2.85%
hurt 2.60%
involve 2.52%
require 2.12%
use 1.71%
take 1.55%
rid 1.30%
back 1.22%
每页显示:    共 26