do require 3.62   To do so requires constant effort.
  get require 1.71   To get to four requires one first.
  use require 0.79   Using the code requires incredible feats of memory.
  win require 0.72   Like in any playoff, winning required a mixture of skill and luck.
  make require 0.66   Making profitable investments requires specialist knowledge.
  be require 0.59   Being upwardly mobile typically requires talent, hard work and luck.
  create require 0.59   Creating memories requires something extra.
  buy require 0.53   Buying the stove requires a serious commitment.
  change require 0.53   Changing electoral procedures requires a constitutional amendment.
  account require 0.46   Accounting rules require companies to write off goodwill against their earnings.
  achieve require 0.46   Achieving these speeds required great attention to the routing of wires inside the chip.
  run require 0.46   Running requires discipline.
  write require 0.39   Writing an exam requires great concentration.
  amend require 0.33   But amending bills requires staff time and costs money for printing.
  learn require 0.33   Learning new tricks requires a bit of balancing.
  move require 0.33   Moving remains requires going to court.
  obtain require 0.33   Some groups oppose the research because obtaining embryonic stem cells requires the death of a human embryo.
  processing require 0.33   Sugar cane processing requires three boilings to extract the juice, producing molasses.
  reach require 0.33   Reaching that goal requires more popular programming.
  selling require 0.33   Direct selling requires the firm to take full responsibility for establishing contact with potential customers.
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