1.   To change behaviour requires tactics that match the complexity of the causes.

2.   And changing crops requires investing in different equipment for planting and harvesting.

3.   Changing the constitution requires three-fifth majority votes twice each in the lower and upper houses of Congress.

4.   To change things requires a great deal of planning, energy and effort.

5.   Changing the tax requires a three-fifths majority in two votes in the Chamber and two more in the Senate.

6.   Changing the constitution requires approval by a three-fifths majority in two plenary votes in the Chamber and two in the Senate.

7.   To change that will require a password that will generate a report on who made the change.

8.   Changing electoral procedures requires a constitutional amendment.

v. + require >>共 378
do 8.14%
get 3.85%
use 1.78%
win 1.63%
make 1.48%
be 1.33%
create 1.33%
buy 1.18%
change 1.18%
account 1.04%
change + v. >>共 74
be 51.64%
require 3.76%
mean 2.35%
take 1.88%
make 1.41%
become 1.41%
lead 1.41%
control 0.94%
hand 0.94%
bring 0.94%
每页显示:    共 8