1.   In any case LUFC WILL get money from the Euro champs.

2.   And the state-owned companies, even though grossly inefficient, get money from the state, which politicians siphon off for their own private ventures.

3.   There you struggle, but your get money.

4.   Get foreign money out of American politics is a rallying cry of the current drive to rewrite campaign finance laws.

n. + money >>共 836
prize 8.21%
drug 6.55%
government 6.27%
taxpayer 4.91%
tax 4.14%
campaign 3.92%
aid 2.16%
grant 1.85%
ransom 1.83%
tobacco 1.60%
get 0.06%
get + n. >>共 177
help 2.33%
ready 2.33%
hit 1.94%
job 1.94%
worse 1.94%
result 1.55%
money 1.55%
tough 1.55%
treatment 1.55%
sick 1.55%
每页显示:    共 4