prize money 37.72   Big prize money.
  drug money 30.09   Is it drug money?
  government money 28.83   Both reactions cost the government money.
  taxpayer money 22.58   No taxpayer money was used.
  tax money 19.03   No tax money was involved.
  campaign money 18.04   Georgia campaign money.
  aid money 9.94   Diplomats may have spent aid money on prostitutes.
  grant money 8.49   AARP receives federal grant money.
  ransom money 8.43   The ransom money was recovered.
  tobacco money 7.37   Big tobacco money!
  year money 6.91   You got good money this year.
  retirement money 6.52   It was part of her retirement money.
  seed money 6.45   He needed seed money.
  protection money 6.25   An alternative safeguard is to pay protection money.
  company money 5.27   The moves will save the company money.
  settlement money 5.27   Inmates can have access to their settlement money.
  research money 5.07   But they had no research money.
  pension money 4.74   She paid them back out of her pension money.
  city money 4.41   There is no cost to the taxpayer, no city money involved.
  scholarship money 4.41   No scholarship money.
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