1.   Donations are welcome to defray expenses.

2.   Federal authorities are still wrestling with the question of whether the donation was legal.

3.   In reality, there is a great shortage of donated organs, but organ donation is a careful, well-documented medical procedure.

4.   The position was satisfactory but the Society faced considerable expenditure in connection with the Museum and donations would be particularly welcome.

5.   There is no free lunch, there is no donation without strings.

6.   They are therefore being told that future political donations will be less generous.

7.   It is essential, however, that all donations are placed in a special envelope or paid by cheque or by Standing Order.

8.   Donations are also required towards the cost of Raffle prizes.

9.   And donations are always welcome.

10.   Although it is a nonprofit organization, donations are not tax deductible because of its political activities.

n. + be >>共 1635
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donation + v. >>共 171
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come 8.01%
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