1.   A central issue is whether two independent executives can share power effectively.

2.   A fundamental issue was whether religious authority was ultimately vested in an ecclesiastical succession or in the Bible alone.

3.   A third, closely related issue is reliability of indicators.

4.   According to Mattel, antitrust issues were a red herring.

5.   Another contentious issue is whether the revisions themselves are legal since they were passed without notification to the opposition.

6.   Another key issue is the choosing of appropriate neural network architecture and paradigms to match applications.

7.   As difficult as these issues are, they have to be adjudicated.

8.   As the campaign picks up speed, the issue of character is likely to become more prominent.

9.   As this is the framework, the issue will be a roaring success.

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issue + v. >>共 490
be 48.45%
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become 1.95%
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go 1.42%
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fall 1.02%
rise 0.82%
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