1.   Other generous donations include those received form the Cripps family.

2.   Other donations included those in memory of Mr MacCallum, Mrs Hope, and Mr Callow.

3.   Those donations included questionable foreign contributions to the Democratic National Committee, which will be the focus of Republican-led congressional hearings next year.

4.   Besides the diary, the donation included a photo album of the making of the movie from Spielberg and a congratulatory letter from President Clinton.

5.   Earlier donations included four-wheel-drive vehicles, radios and small arms, the news agency said.

6.   The donation included a fetal heart monitor, a sonogram machine and a microscope that allows on-the-spot evaluation of cervical cells.

7.   The donation includes laboratory equipment, field specimen collecting equipment and computer and communication equipment, it said.

8.   The donations also include tents, food, plastic sheets, stoves, water tanks, blankets and medical supplies.

9.   The donation includes computers, sewing machines, hair dressing equipment, musical instruments and tools for the carpet industry, the statement said.

10.   Donations included tonnes of clothes, blood, gold and silver ornaments as well as offers to adopt Bosnian children.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
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speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
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dead 0.87%
donation 0.03%
donation + v. >>共 171
be 30.86%
come 8.01%
go 4.59%
help 4.12%
have 2.12%
pour 1.88%
make 1.88%
include 1.65%
fund 1.41%
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