1.   In addition to the specific limitations, there is the general caution which should be exercised in using historical data to document social change.

2.   In most cases, such changes are poorly documented, if they are recorded at all.

3.   Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last Decade.

4.   I also ask you to monitor an any unilateral decision made by your employers and document any changes.

5.   Another study in the same issue of Health Affairs documents changes in insurance coverage of mental health care.

6.   But program officials countered that the project has monitoring stations at critical points that will document changes in pollutants and hazardous microbes.

7.   Earthspots documents the change.

8.   He documents changes in a diary and has decided that he will stop treatment after six months or a year if side effects appear.

9.   Much like Ralph Barsi and his index cards, though on a much larger scale, Kirkeberg has been documenting the changes in San Francisco over the decades.

10.   The fliers are engaged in a range of other medical experiments documenting changes in their muscle and skeletal systems as well as a variety of physics and biotechnology investigations.

v. + change >>共 560
make 20.65%
see 2.54%
expect 2.31%
bring 2.10%
announce 1.95%
need 1.94%
undergo 1.69%
force 1.64%
want 1.62%
reflect 1.55%
document 0.07%
document + n. >>共 479
case 5.91%
abuse 3.05%
life 2.14%
problem 1.53%
evidence 1.32%
violation 1.32%
change 1.22%
pattern 1.02%
atrocity 1.02%
work 0.81%
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