document case 3.82   Medical journals document the case throughout northern climes.
  document abuse 1.97   The abuses are well documented.
  document life 1.38   Some of most powerful images document life during the Nazi occupation of World War II.
  document problem 0.99   Still, problems have been documented.
  document evidence 0.86   I have documented evidence for all of my accusations.
  document violation 0.86   Human Rights Watch documents human rights violations around the world.
  document change 0.79   Earthspots documents the change.
  document atrocity 0.66   She wants to document atrocities by NATO, too.
  document pattern 0.66   But studies conducted after the hearings have documented no pattern of abuse.
  document work 0.53   It documented the work of the drummer Paul Motian.
  document benefit 0.46   The show documents the benefits that resulted.
  document crime 0.46   Undercover agents were then sent in to document the crimes.
  document event 0.46   Documents events leading up to the first lunar landing.
  document extent 0.46   State inspectors who visited the school in January documented the extent of the failure.
  document increase 0.46   No studies have documented an increase in deaths or complaints.
  document instance 0.46   Each year animal welfare groups document instances of cruelty, but prosecutions have been rare.
  document plight 0.46   TV programs in Britain documented his plight.
  document story 0.46   By now, the story is well documented.
  document success 0.46   Especially striking are before and after photographs taken by the schools to document their success.
  document use 0.46   Hundreds of reports have documented the uses of sealants.
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