1.   He discovered secret police files documenting drug abuse.

2.   Arafat has arrested and threatened journalists, intellectuals and human rights activists who have angered him with their work, notably by documenting abuses by the Palestinian security services.

3.   A truth commission is planned as part of the peace accord that would at least document abuses.

4.   But the programs create a paper trail documenting the abuse and help to give victims some sense of empowerment.

5.   Government reports have documented abuses at the state level of many of the grants.

6.   Greenpeace officials said they had documented similar abuses by the company, Petroleos Mexicanos, known as Pemex, in hundreds of communities.

7.   He charged that the complaining officers never documented specific abuses and never complained through official channels.

8.   He has returned several times to China, often under assumed names, to try to document human rights abuses.

9.   He was convicted of stealing state secrets and impersonating a police officer stemming from undercover trips to China to document human rights abuses.

10.   Human rights groups have documented frequent abuses of rights in the country, including harsh treatment of dissidents and suppression of democracy in Burma, also known as Myanmar.

v. + abuse >>共 331
prevent 7.02%
report 4.48%
investigate 4.30%
commit 3.95%
curb 2.90%
suffer 2.81%
shout 2.72%
allege 2.41%
stop 2.06%
hurl 1.89%
document 1.32%
document + n. >>共 479
case 5.91%
abuse 3.05%
life 2.14%
problem 1.53%
evidence 1.32%
violation 1.32%
change 1.22%
pattern 1.02%
atrocity 1.02%
work 0.81%
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