1.   Are the charts displayed on packages accurate or are consumers supposed to wink and automatically skip to the next size?

2.   As he spoke to a recent gathering of company workers, he displayed a chart showing that sales of appliances had slowed substantially.

3.   Boxer displayed charts she intended to ask Lay to explain.

4.   Giuliani also displayed charts of passenger satisfaction surveys that ranked La Guardia and Kennedy near the bottom among airports nationally and internationally.

5.   Gorton displayed a chart depicting Northwest timber, on which the area that can be forested under the timber ride was a tiny speck.

6.   The site offers links to thousands of foreign locations, but fully two-thirds of those pages display climate charts with limited or no weather data.

7.   The wall of her cubicle displays a chart of her current bonus plan.

8.   They display performance charts assuring greater longevity and hardness in metal after cryogenic treatment.

9.   To illustrate her point, Foote displayed a chart showing per-capita health care spending in the United States during the past four decades.

10.   Gore displayed a chart showing a correlation between high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing global temperatures.

v. + chart >>共 152
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display + n. >>共 1287
photograph 1.75%
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information 1.53%
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