1.   As crusty, booted ranchers warily studied the charts and maps presented by dapper Air Force personnel, Kelley passed out information condemning the plan from a nearby table.

2.   Customers now can study seating charts to pick the seats they want.

3.   Instead, they studied their charts to follow the planets migrating through the heavens along paths plotted over the centuries.

4.   She studies a chart showing inheritance patterns with David Samuels.

5.   The plugs are made to just fit one way, so study the chart carefully.

6.   The standards are based on studying medical charts and scanning the academic literature to find the most effective and efficient practices, Doyle says.

7.   When studying stock charts, investors like to see lines that rise up and to the right.

8.   How do you read trading signals, study charts and make forecasts?

9.   Since an explosion last month wounded a fishing crew in the waters off Venice, Italian fishermen have been studying charts pinpointing where NATO pilots dumped bombs.

10.   So study that chart, And learn it by heart, And remember the limits well under the ton.

v. + chart >>共 152
top 11.00%
use 5.62%
have 3.18%
read 2.93%
include 2.69%
display 2.69%
dominate 2.69%
study 2.44%
make 2.44%
climb 2.44%
study + n. >>共 873
issue 3.58%
way 2.85%
possibility 2.50%
proposal 2.20%
law 2.06%
effect 1.78%
problem 1.34%
art 1.30%
history 1.19%
report 1.16%
chart 0.10%
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