1.   All department staff will be affected by the new working hours.

2.   Representative participation requires a higher level of involvement of user department staff.

3.   Finally, consensus participation attempts to involve all user department staff throughout the design and development of the system.

4.   The department staff are engaged in a series of major field research projects which generate varied research opportunities for postgraduate students.

5.   About the time the states were reaching this point in their thinking, Klein chartered a wide research project on remedies using department staff and academic experts.

6.   Department staff will meet Thursday to decide how to notify welfare recipients believed to be affected.

7.   He said the department staff is looking at refining the complaint system and speeding it up.

8.   If he is rejected, a deputy commissioner could be selected to rule on the sale, which would involve approving a recommendation of the department staff.

9.   The department staff figured she would be tough and politically obtuse, which is just what they wanted.

n. + staff >>共 570
hospital 7.96%
embassy 6.34%
support 5.05%
security 4.86%
campaign 3.67%
hotel 3.02%
office 2.54%
prison 2.00%
committee 1.43%
airport 1.38%
department 0.73%
department + n. >>共 379
official 22.41%
spokesman 14.91%
head 8.85%
spokeswoman 4.42%
policy 2.61%
manager 2.44%
employee 2.32%
director 1.56%
chairman 1.35%
staff 1.14%
每页显示:    共 27