1.   An argument might be made for some sort of balanced-budget amendment if the nation had a systemic federal deficit problem.

2.   A year ago it was bracketed with Thailand as facing severe current account deficit problems, and as a result dampened its growth rate.

3.   Adding to the deficit problem are costs that are not included in the budget.

4.   But Steve says this will not be a painless solution to the deficit problem.

5.   But there were a few who complained about the politics involved, contending that lawmakers settled for a quick fix rather than a long-term solution to the deficit problem.

6.   Concerns about future federal deficit problems were absent today on financial markets as stock indices surged to records.

7.   Critics said the amount was too large, and accused Dole of trying to assume away part of the deficit problem.

8.   Cutting Social Security benefits would thus not actually address the underlying deficit problem -- it would just produce a larger surplus to help mask the problem.

9.   Even if all foreign aid were scrapped, it would do little to help with the daunting deficit problem, he said.

10.   Finance Minister Jose Antonio Ocampo said in a speech to Congress that the cuts still left a deficit problem.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
deficit 0.19%
deficit + n. >>共 171
reduction 25.81%
target 10.12%
hawk 6.12%
problem 3.78%
figure 3.45%
disorder 3.34%
budget 2.67%
plan 2.67%
limit 2.56%
cut 1.56%
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