1.   The deficit hawks also won an agreement to find offsetting cuts for any eventual increase in committee costs.

2.   And federal nutrition programs -- on the chopping block by GOP deficit hawks -- could save money if peanut prices declined.

3.   And federal nutrition programs -- on the chopping block by GOP deficit hawks -- could save money if peanut prices decline.

4.   And he openly blamed Dole and his fellow deficit hawks for keeping Republicans in the minority.

5.   Another noted deficit hawk, Rep. Charles Stenholm, D-Stamford, did not buy the deal and spoke passionately against the bill.

6.   Bob Dole, once a deficit hawk, and Jack Kemp, a tax cutter, have had their difficulties over the years.

7.   Brady bonds declined in afternoon trading after rising in the morning, on concern U.S. voters could fail to reelect Republican deficit hawks, traders said.

8.   Both are deficit hawks who have put balancing the budget ahead of cutting taxes.

9.   But he predicted that his budget would satisfy deficit hawks while fulfilling his campaign promises, including a proposal that he announced on Tuesday for spending more on education.

10.   But this year, his unusually generous plan won praise from liberals, conservatives and deficit hawks.

n. + hawk >>共 33
deficit 39.29%
inflation 15.71%
budget 6.43%
defense 3.57%
redtail 3.57%
trade 3.57%
price 2.86%
security 2.86%
ball 2.14%
administration 1.43%
deficit + n. >>共 171
reduction 25.81%
target 10.12%
hawk 6.12%
problem 3.78%
figure 3.45%
disorder 3.34%
budget 2.67%
plan 2.67%
limit 2.56%
cut 1.56%
每页显示:    共 55