1.   To counter claims in tort the courts erected the unholy trinity of defences of common employment, volenti non fit injuria and contributory negligence.

2.   And it counters claims by Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka and others that the economy would rebound later this year.

3.   Countering that claim by Ray, Shelby County prosecutors told Brown that there were no genuinely new testing techniques available.

4.   Now the FBI is getting ready to counter claims that it wrongly entrapped otherwise law-abiding people.

5.   One focus has been its effort to counter claims that pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables pose a cancer threat even in very small amounts.

6.   Republicans are scrambling this year to counter Democratic claims that private investment accounts will slash future Social Security benefits.

7.   Some U.N. officials say they believe that this is because damage to civilian buildings was very light, countering Iraqi claims of more damage and casualties.

8.   That counters claims in the Tennessee and Alabama lawsuits that the books are harmful because innocent children might accidentally pick them up and look through them.

9.   The research also helps the Clinton administration counter Republican claims that the defense of the United States against long-range missiles is being neglected.

10.   The releases read more like a political ad with claims and counter claims.

v. + claim >>共 374
deny 10.94%
make 7.99%
reject 5.19%
file 4.12%
dismiss 3.89%
support 3.63%
stake 3.05%
investigate 2.88%
dispute 2.50%
have 2.49%
counter 0.38%
counter + n. >>共 532
threat 4.98%
terrorism 3.91%
criticism 3.91%
effect 3.40%
attack 3.17%
claim 2.21%
argument 1.59%
gain 1.47%
charge 1.47%
move 1.36%
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