deny claim 74.65   Both deny the claim.
  make claim 54.51   Once a claim has been made.
  reject claim 35.42   Bauer rejects that claim.
  file claim 28.11   At least eight women filed claims.
  dismiss claim 26.53   Police dismissed the claim.
  support claim 24.75   Her act supports that claim.
  stake claim 20.80   Each stakes a claim.
  investigate claim 19.62   Police are investigating the claims.
  dispute claim 17.05   No one disputed the claim.
  have claim 16.98   Do you have a claim against me?
  settle claim 14.29   Not a single claim has been settled.
  lie claim 13.89   Both ways lay claim to authenticity.
  lay claim 13.50   No one has laid claim to the property.
  pay claim 10.07   It has always paid its claims.
  verify claim 9.48   No claim has been verified.
  back claim 9.41   Recent surveys back his claims.
  confirm claim 8.69   The NRC confirms that claim.
  pursue claim 7.97   Some said they wanted to pursue individual claims.
  press claim 6.71   Similar claims have been pressed elsewhere.
  repeat claim 6.12   Saddam repeated those claims.
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