1.   They countered the threat by inviting only safe theologians - largely Rome-based - to sit on the preparatory commissions.

2.   America spent trillions of dollars during the Cold War to counter the threat of Soviet nuclear weapons.

3.   Analysts say that the Israelis have proposed separation to counter threats by Arafat that he will soon declare Palestinian statehood without Israeli approval.

4.   And if so, how could humans counter the threat?

5.   A CIA official said that the agency, aware of the changing nature of the jihad, had taken some steps he would not specify to counter the threat.

6.   But all such plans were drawn up to counter the threat of external attack, rather than to protect against terrorism from within.

7.   But in interviews and in public statements, senior Pentagon officials listed some of the measures they are taking to counter the threat.

8.   But poor defensive rotation on a Coleman drive into the lane ended in a dunk, and a steal and basket by Wesley quickly countered the threat.

9.   But to counter the threat, the government is still falling back on old techniques.

10.   Can America risk cutting its forces now to finance expensive new weapons the Bush administration says would counter the threats it sees emerging in decades to come?

v. + threat >>共 584
pose 14.12%
receive 11.61%
make 7.94%
face 4.44%
end 4.36%
take 2.23%
use 1.76%
issue 1.54%
reduce 1.44%
follow 1.39%
counter 1.15%
counter + n. >>共 532
threat 4.98%
terrorism 3.91%
criticism 3.91%
effect 3.40%
attack 3.17%
claim 2.21%
argument 1.59%
gain 1.47%
charge 1.47%
move 1.36%
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