1.   It has the creamy texture that you usually look for when cooking eggplant, but without a lot of oil or stirring.

2.   Repeat until all the eggplant has been cooked, adding more oil, if needed, for each new batch.

3.   Small Italian eggplants are best cooked longer than other varieties.

4.   The idea is to cook the eggplant through before it soaks up too much oil.

v. + eggplant >>共 51
place 9.92%
cut 8.26%
remove 6.61%
prick 5.79%
roast 4.96%
peel 4.13%
transfer 4.13%
turn 4.13%
add 3.31%
cook 3.31%
cook + n. >>共 497
food 6.78%
meal 6.34%
pasta 4.92%
dinner 3.72%
meat 3.06%
chicken 2.35%
rice 2.30%
fish 1.99%
potato 1.77%
vegetable 1.77%
eggplant 0.18%
每页显示:    共 4