1.   First I roast eggplant studded with garlic, then scrape out the inside and season it with quatre-epices, hazelnut oil and a knob of butter.

2.   I prefer roasting eggplant, halved lengthwise or in slices.

3.   If you have a gas range, you can roast the eggplants over the flame.

4.   Roast the eggplants over a flame, a gas burner or directly on an electric element, turning frequently, until they are thoroughly charred and soft throughout.

5.   Roasting the eggplant.

6.   White lasagnas are made with bechamel sauce, which is rich but lovely next to the slightly bitter braised radicchio and roasted eggplant.

v. + eggplant >>共 51
place 9.92%
cut 8.26%
remove 6.61%
prick 5.79%
roast 4.96%
peel 4.13%
transfer 4.13%
turn 4.13%
add 3.31%
cook 3.31%
roast + n. >>共 125
pan 12.53%
chicken 8.35%
turkey 6.73%
pepper 5.10%
marshmallow 3.48%
beef 3.25%
lamb 2.55%
pig 2.32%
potato 2.32%
duck 2.09%
eggplant 1.39%
每页显示:    共 6