1.   In fact, each individual drop of water is describing a circular motion which takes it nowhere overall.

2.   Thus the poem has a circular motion corresponding to the circular shape of the object it describes.

3.   When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.

4.   Why then does the sun appear to set and to have a circular motion around the Earth?

5.   The wax should be applied using a circular motion.

6.   He made a circular motion with closed fingers.

7.   Knead the fondant or marzipan thoroughly, using a circular motion to spread the colour evenly.

8.   As he awaits the pitch in a wide stance, he slowly twirls his bat in a circular motion.

a. + motion >>共 592
constant 3.72%
repetitive 3.55%
forward 2.59%
circular 2.20%
pretrial 1.97%
procedural 1.92%
throwing 1.86%
similar 1.80%
such 1.80%
full 1.47%
circular + n. >>共 358
motion 5.27%
orbit 2.70%
pattern 2.57%
driveway 2.30%
drive 1.76%
table 1.62%
route 1.62%
window 1.49%
staircase 1.35%
flow 1.35%
每页显示:    共 39