1.   He introduced a series of procedural motions that forced the Senate to stay in session through Saturday morning.

2.   Although the party-switchers voted with Republicans on major legislation so far this year, they voted with the Democrats on procedural motions.

3.   But all-night sessions, punctuated by votes on procedural motions, may dramatize the situation and make the Republicans look like obstructionists.

4.   But few Republicans, even those opposed to impeachment, are likely to buck their party leadership and back the Democrats on a procedural motion.

5.   Democrats, conceding they were fighting a losing battle, nonetheless used a series of procedural motions to push the censure alternative to the floor.

6.   Frustrated with the numerous speeches by Democrats after they had voted for the procedural motion, Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, lashed out.

7.   Gramm said Monday that he or a colleague would make a procedural motion, possibly Tuesday, to allow the Senate to amend the bill.

8.   Last week, the Turks managed to force a vote on a procedural motion designed to maneuver a pay-raise measure onto the floor for a public vote.

9.   Lott will also resist using procedural motions to cut off debate or block votes on amendments.

10.   Republicans and Democrats alike said that if the bill can clear the roadblock of the procedural motion, it will be passed overwhelmingly by the House.

a. + motion >>共 592
constant 3.72%
repetitive 3.55%
forward 2.59%
circular 2.20%
pretrial 1.97%
procedural 1.92%
throwing 1.86%
similar 1.80%
such 1.80%
full 1.47%
procedural + n. >>共 216
matter 7.83%
vote 7.74%
rule 5.16%
ground 4.42%
issue 4.15%
error 4.06%
change 3.96%
motion 3.13%
reason 2.76%
move 2.40%
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