constant motion 4.34   He was in constant motion.
  repetitive motion 4.15   Standing in a hot, noisy room, the repetitive motion.
  forward motion 3.03   Clearly, he has a way with forward motion.
  circular motion 2.57   Wash in circular motion.
  pretrial motion 2.30   The next stage will involve pretrial motions.
  procedural motion 2.24   What procedural motions should we expect?
  throwing motion 2.17   His throwing motion is very loose and fluid.
  similar motion 2.11   The council rejected a similar motion in May.
  such motion 2.11   Zyuganov did not rule out such a motion.
  full motion 1.71   So, at worst, CD-I could look very close to full motion.
  turbulent motion 1.65   Breakdown to turbulent motion occurs.
  fluid motion 1.58   The fluid motion.
  pitching motion 1.38   It is believed to have resulted from the mechanical stress of his pitching motion.
  same motion 1.38   You both have the same motion.
  legal motion 1.25   An opening round of legal motions in that lawsuit is expected to be filed this week.
  substantive motion 1.25   Those in favour of the substantive motion please show.
  emergency motion 1.18   Put the emergency motion to the vote.
  first motion 1.05   The first motion, on flood disaster, sailed through the House.
  wasted motion 1.05   He has no wasted motion.
  parliamentary motion 0.99   The government is about to face a parliamentary motion of no confidence.
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