1.   He died soon afterwards and Samuel Cooper executed a chalk drawing of the boy on his death-bed.

2.   Elaborate chalk drawings on concrete will be celebrated as fine art at the I Madonnari Street Painting Festival in front of the Santa Barbara Mission.

3.   One particularly striking image, of a street seen from above, shows boys and girls scattered among ornate chalk drawings that cover the pavement.

4.   Slightly yellowed by time, the charcoal and black chalk drawings surfaced three years ago in an antique shop outside that southern city.

n. + drawing >>共 127
pencil 9.39%
wall 5.42%
ink 4.69%
crayon 4.33%
cave 3.61%
scale 3.25%
design 2.53%
computer 2.53%
lottery 2.53%
rock 2.53%
chalk 1.44%
chalk + n. >>共 67
mark 11.64%
line 11.64%
dust 9.59%
outline 8.22%
board 4.79%
cliff 3.42%
drawing 2.74%
circle 2.74%
powder 2.05%
marking 1.37%
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