1.   Can you imagine the board games, the crayon drawings, the tears?

2.   Children make crayon drawings of their villages under siege, pictures that show tiny Kosovars, disproportionately large soldiers, planes overhead, and houses engulfed in flames.

3.   In another crayon drawing, a stick figure adult rescues a child following the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

4.   On the Capitol steps, flowers that began piling up over the weekend had become a hill of wreaths, teddy bears, candles and crayon drawings.

5.   Street knew what time it was, but she could not ditch a horde of children, not when they had crayon drawings and scrap paper they wanted signed.

6.   Stripes look like crayon drawings or strokes of paint.

7.   The commercial opens on crayon drawings and the tiny voice of a child talking lovingly about her little sister.

8.   The only color in his office comes from crayon drawings by his children, and from a bouquet of yellow roses.

9.   Crayon drawings by children in the shelter show bombs from U.S. warplanes killing civilians.

10.   Her study is a third-floor spare bedroom, cluttered with toys and adorned with crayon drawings.

n. + drawing >>共 127
pencil 9.39%
wall 5.42%
ink 4.69%
crayon 4.33%
cave 3.61%
scale 3.25%
design 2.53%
computer 2.53%
lottery 2.53%
rock 2.53%
crayon + n. >>共 31
drawing 21.43%
color 8.93%
mark 8.93%
picture 5.36%
company 3.57%
maker 3.57%
portrait 3.57%
scrawl 3.57%
analysis 1.79%
artist 1.79%
每页显示:    共 12