1.   Another picture, a pen and pencil drawing, is a more devastating exposure still.

2.   I like to do a few pencil drawings when I go away anywhere.

3.   These pieces are engraved with the delicacy of a fine line pencil drawing.

4.   This method can give all the nuances of a pencil drawing.

5.   This was also necessary in order to obscure all traces of the original pencil drawing.

6.   An artist who produces monochrome pencil drawings.

7.   On one side, underneath the writing in ink, is a small pencil drawing of an animal.

8.   Antz took nearly three years to develop from traditional pencil drawings to state-of-the-art digital animation.

9.   A pencil drawing of a vase holding flowers lies on his tilted drafting board.

n. + drawing >>共 127
pencil 9.39%
wall 5.42%
ink 4.69%
crayon 4.33%
cave 3.61%
scale 3.25%
design 2.53%
computer 2.53%
lottery 2.53%
rock 2.53%
pencil + n. >>共 61
drawing 10.92%
sketch 10.92%
sharpener 9.24%
line 7.98%
eraser 6.30%
mark 5.04%
point 4.62%
case 4.20%
skirt 3.78%
lead 3.36%
每页显示:    共 26