1.   They say the cases bear no similarity.

2.   These cases about valuers bear some analogy with cases on domestic tribunals, except of course that there need not be a hearing.

3.   Although the case did not bear directly on self-certification, Cox was in charge of the central inspection unit.

4.   Both cases bear directly on the subjects of future peace negotiations.

5.   The case bears similarities to cases in the United States, some of which involve churchmen of Irish extraction.

6.   The case bears scrutiny because New York City may be tempted to try something similar to reduce its own budget deficit.

7.   The case bears similarities to federal investigations in Boston involving Pfizer.

8.   The case bears similarities to other alleged instances of fraud on Ebay this year.

9.   The Gonzalez case bears similarities to one heard last month to a federal courtroom in McAllen.

10.   However, Australian diplomats and officials have repeatedly stressed that the cases do not bear comparison.

n. + bear >>共 817
market 4.69%
government 2.04%
woman 1.73%
effort 1.60%
country 1.17%
taxpayer 1.11%
people 0.86%
company 0.86%
child 0.80%
case 0.80%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
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take 1.02%
bear 0.08%
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