1.   A legal case is pending which will force a DNA test to acknowledge paternity.

2.   If they did, they could apply for political asylum and remain for years while their cases were pending.

3.   The case is pending before the lower court.

4.   All three are contesting the charges, and the case is pending.

5.   Although that case is still pending, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct publicly reprimanded him over it.

6.   Alvarado had appealed the decision in federal court and is living in California while her case is pending.

7.   An appeal has been filed, and the case is pending.

8.   And while their immigration case is pending, he said, they are unlikely to cause trouble or ask for a raise.

9.   At least five such cases are pending in Texas, two against the Bryan district.

10.   Before issuing his opinion Tuesday, Young had urged the two sides to reach an agreement that would have allowed Wessmann into Latin while the case was pending.

n. + pend >>共 197
case 19.13%
charge 7.66%
lawsuit 5.76%
bill 5.23%
suit 5.11%
appeal 3.68%
legislation 3.57%
decision 3.03%
arrangement 2.50%
result 2.50%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
become 1.13%
take 1.02%
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