market bear 5.00   Will the desert market bear it?
  government bear 2.17   Outside governments also bear responsibility.
  woman bear 1.84   Women bear the brunt of poverty.
  effort bear 1.71   That effort has borne some fruit.
  country bear 1.25   This country bears enormous responsibilities to itself and to the world.
  taxpayer bear 1.18   Ultimately, the taxpayer will bear the burden.
  company bear 0.92   Each company will bear half the costs of development.
  people bear 0.92   Some people cannot bear it.
  case bear 0.86   They say the cases bear no similarity.
  child bear 0.86   The slain children Will never bear children.
  investor bear 0.79   But investors also bear responsibility.
  worker bear 0.72   Home care workers bear the brunt of this policy miscalculation.
  consumer bear 0.66   Consumers bear a responsibility as well.
  face bear 0.66   His face bears a sad, imploring expression.
  nation bear 0.66   He also said consuming nations bear responsibility for fighting drugs.
  story bear 0.66   This story always bears repeating.
  team bear 0.66   Maybe the special teams bear watching.
  building bear 0.59   This building bears the mark of a very tall Zorro.
  most bear 0.59   Most will henceforth bear the title,khunying .
  plant bear 0.59   However, these plants will not bear fruit as a rule.
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