1.   Alice thought the carrot salad was weird, but I got lots of points for making bread, even ruined bread.

2.   Houriya, a spiced carrot salad.

3.   Serving carrot salad?

4.   Spoon carrot salad into center of dinner plates with bean salad alongside.

5.   Tempura of quail, not quite crispy enough, came with a zippy carrot salad and a mixture of spiced green apples and pomegranates.

6.   The accompanying carrot salad, tossed in a dressing of fresh ginger juice and white wine vinegar, creates a bright, refreshing contrast to the meat.

7.   The three of us quickly found a sheltered ridge and ate carrot salad before a spectacular view.

8.   Toss remaining dressing with carrot salad.

n. + salad >>共 195
potato 19.28%
fruit 7.17%
pasta 3.92%
tuna 3.36%
spinach 2.91%
tomato 2.24%
cucumber 2.13%
shrimp 2.02%
lobster 1.79%
bread 1.57%
carrot 0.90%
carrot + n. >>共 70
cake 15.64%
juice 12.80%
stick 9.95%
soup 7.11%
mixture 4.27%
salad 3.79%
chunk 1.90%
top 1.90%
puree 1.90%
strip 1.90%
每页显示:    共 8