1.   Breathing exercises should be performed at the end of each training session.

2.   He listened to relaxation tapes and practiced breathing exercises to stop hyperventilating.

3.   Reflexively, you start a breathing exercise.

4.   Since his session with Peter Miller on Saturday, Jim had used the breathing exercise whenever he felt his tension level rising.

5.   We do breathing exercises in my yoga class.

6.   The breathing exercises should be repeated several times more.

7.   At such a time, try to get a friend to go along to help you with your breathing exercises.

8.   At dawn, Chinese grandparents practice qigong breathing exercises on the sidewalks, then tinker with sprinklers as self-appointed lawn administrators.

9.   Bedbound patients will be repositioned often to prevent development of bedsores, and postsurgery patients will be reminded to do their breathing exercises.

10.   After he explains the study, Ballon sets the mood by leading the audience in deep breathing exercises.

a. + exercise >>共 1186
military 19.04%
joint 7.92%
training 6.99%
regular 2.64%
naval 2.58%
aerobic 1.40%
physical 1.26%
chinese 1.00%
similar 0.99%
first 0.97%
breathing 0.56%
breathing + n. >>共 128
problem 22.86%
difficulty 10.99%
tube 8.99%
apparatus 5.88%
exercise 4.11%
machine 3.22%
life 3.00%
air 2.22%
mask 2.11%
technique 2.11%
每页显示:    共 37