1.   Aerobic exercise and reduced-calorie diets produce weight loss, but reduce the resting metabolic rate because they do not maintain muscle Mass.

2.   Aerobic exercise increases the metabolic rate and the benefit continues for some hours after we have finished exercising.

3.   Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, is a great way to burn off fat.

4.   Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, will increase your fitness.

5.   Both aerobic exercise and strength training are essential for good nutrition and quality of life.

6.   Examples of aerobic exercise are running, bicycling, and swimming.

7.   Examples of aerobic exercise are running, cycling, swimming, aerobic fitness sessions.

8.   It combines aerobic exercise with light barbell lifting.

9.   Leroy alternated aerobic exercises with weight training to improve his stamina.

10.   Sometimes this is called aerobic exercise, and cycling is an excellent form of aerobics.

a. + exercise >>共 1186
military 19.04%
joint 7.92%
training 6.99%
regular 2.64%
naval 2.58%
aerobic 1.40%
physical 1.26%
chinese 1.00%
similar 0.99%
first 0.97%
aerobic + n. >>共 68
exercise 33.33%
workout 10.14%
activity 9.78%
capacity 3.99%
conditioning 2.90%
dance 2.54%
bacterium 2.17%
class 1.81%
benefit 1.81%
work 1.81%
每页显示:    共 92