1.   A balanced diet and daily physical exercise are the keys to a healthy lifestyle.

2.   Getting fit is about small amounts of physical exercise, starting slowly and gradually building up a regular routine.

3.   In addition she would get up twenty minutes earlier each day and fill those twenty minutes with a physical exercise program.

4.   Physical exercise is essential to good health.

5.   Physical exercise keeps you fit and helps to reduce stress.

6.   This happens naturally, of course, through physical exercise.

7.   Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour.

8.   Why do most adults take insufficient physical exercise?

9.   Physical exercise is good for working off those extra calories.

a. + exercise >>共 1186
military 19.04%
joint 7.92%
training 6.99%
regular 2.64%
naval 2.58%
aerobic 1.40%
physical 1.26%
chinese 1.00%
similar 0.99%
first 0.97%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
exercise 0.89%
每页显示:    共 82