1.   And where the old gargoyles are now crumbling away, attempts are being made to replace them, expensive though this is.

2.   If all this studying is making you a bit queasy, count your blessings.

3.   Just being there made my heart beat faster.

4.   Kirchberg is where the peace and quiet is worth making a noise about.

5.   Obviously, being transparent makes visual recognition by both predators and prey more difficult.

6.   Prime Stilton is available from the autumn onwards, being made with summer milk.

7.   This continues, but at least now efforts are also being made to prevent further pollution and even repair some of the damage.

8.   Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.

v. + make >>共 716
be 15.10%
have 3.83%
do 1.74%
use 1.26%
win 1.20%
fighting 1.02%
buy 0.96%
go 0.96%
lose 0.84%
look 0.72%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
每页显示:    共 251