1.   What other data would be useful in determining the change in economic welfare?

2.   If the two top competitors in the final round are within a close range, yet to be determined, both will be awarded the gold medal.

3.   Still to be determined, however, is how the garages will be financed.

4.   The cause is still to be determined, pending an autopsy, said Caroline Smedvig, a spokeswoman for the Boston Symphony.

5.   The Ljubenic massacre presents just one more set of grim questions for international war-crimes investigators, who are determining the extent of the murders.

6.   This year, the newcomers will pick sixth and seventh, to be determined by the flip a coin.

7.   Although the fee for a Palestinian marriage has yet to be determined, it would cost substantially less than going to Cyprus, Abu Medein said.

8.   And while the causes in some cases have yet to be determined, the suspicions range from electrical failure to mechanical control problems to sabotage by a pilot.

9.   Being determined just means setting priorities.

10.   They also argue that construction in Jerusalem violates the spirit of the peace accords, under which the status of the city is to be determined in future negotiations.

v. + determine >>共 60
be 10.34%
add 6.90%
testing 6.90%
calculate 4.31%
divide 3.45%
measure 3.45%
pitch 3.45%
analyze 2.59%
make 2.59%
examine 2.59%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
determine 0.14%
每页显示:    共 12