1.   The age of an archaeological specimen can therefore be determined by dividing the total radiation dose by the annual radiation dose.

2.   The numbers are determined by dividing the transgene signal by the endogenous signal, to obtain the number of transgenes integrated per genome.

3.   The indexes are determined by dividing the total population by the number of offenses.

4.   The number of shares to be issued would be determined by dividing the purchase price by the market price of Chase shares the day of the closing.

v. + determine >>共 60
be 10.34%
add 6.90%
testing 6.90%
calculate 4.31%
divide 3.45%
measure 3.45%
pitch 3.45%
analyze 2.59%
make 2.59%
examine 2.59%
divide + v. >>共 14
calculate 34.38%
determine 12.50%
be 9.38%
derive 6.25%
make 6.25%
obtain 6.25%
compute 3.13%
corner 3.13%
live 3.13%
out 3.13%
每页显示:    共 4