1.   Cattle that go to produce the basic ingredient of that beefburger.

2.   Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries and other Asian dishes.

3.   The ability to adapt is a basic ingredient of survival.

4.   The ability to discriminate is admittedly a basic ingredient of survival.

5.   The basic ingredients of this cake are eggs, flour, and butter.

6.   The packaging costs exceed the cost of basic ingredients in soft drinks, breakfast cereals, soups, and frozen dinners.

7.   The seeds are often ground and the resulting powder is a basic ingredient of curry spice mix.

8.   This mixture of spices is a basic ingredient of the curry sauce.

9.   Two more basic ingredients of leadership are curiosity and daring.

10.   Because these attributes are stored by basic ingredients, the recipes you enter into the program are analyzed automatically.

a. + ingredient >>共 551
remaining 9.24%
dry 9.06%
key 6.89%
active 5.72%
main 4.89%
essential 2.86%
the 2.63%
important 2.32%
necessary 1.63%
basic 1.52%
basic + n. >>共 771
service 2.97%
principle 2.42%
right 1.99%
skill 1.96%
need 1.81%
commodity 1.72%
information 1.67%
research 1.60%
question 1.56%
food 1.47%
ingredient 0.47%
每页显示:    共 53