1.   Environmentalists insist the ash contains toxic heavy metals.

2.   When infected materials are incinerated, the ash contains prions, which remain infectious.

3.   Crew members reported being turned away from ports at gunpoint and being threatened with attack by environmentalists, who maintained the ash contained toxic heavy metals.

4.   The ash contains toxic metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead, the statement said.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
ash 0.06%
ash + v. >>共 126
be 19.93%
say 8.50%
fall 8.17%
blanket 2.94%
scattered 2.61%
cover 2.29%
blow 1.96%
begin 1.63%
contain 1.31%
have 1.31%
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