1.   Continue baking layers and stacking them with apple filling.

2.   No dense apple filling.

3.   Place butter pats randomly over apple filling.

4.   Stack cakes are assembled from layer upon layer of thin, biscuitlike cakes mortared together with apple filling.

5.   Spoon topping evenly over apple filling.

n. + filling >>共 84
pie 13.64%
cheese 9.09%
mercury 3.90%
apple 3.25%
spoon 3.25%
meat 2.60%
sandwich 2.60%
amalgam 1.95%
lemon 1.95%
custard 1.95%
apple + n. >>共 207
juice 13.96%
tree 12.92%
cider 6.74%
orchard 6.17%
slice 3.61%
grower 2.94%
mixture 2.37%
tart 2.18%
industry 1.99%
butter 1.61%
filling 0.47%
每页显示:    共 5