1.   Grilled cornmeal pastries have cheese or ground meat fillings.

2.   It is also used to season meat fillings, legumes and salads.

3.   It can be pastalike dough wrapped around a savory meat filling that is steamed or poached.

4.   Most people spread the masa on husks while grandson Marcos Varela and great-granddaughter Jackie Sanchez added the meat filling.

n. + filling >>共 84
pie 13.64%
cheese 9.09%
mercury 3.90%
apple 3.25%
spoon 3.25%
meat 2.60%
sandwich 2.60%
amalgam 1.95%
lemon 1.95%
custard 1.95%
meat + n. >>共 339
product 7.28%
industry 4.43%
market 3.81%
pie 3.19%
thermometer 3.03%
mixture 2.80%
dish 2.75%
counter 2.18%
processor 2.18%
company 2.02%
filling 0.22%
每页显示:    共 4