1.   Interdigestive motor complexes are absent, postprandial antral motor activity is decreased, gastric emptying of radioopaque is delayed, and gall gladder contraction is reduced.

2.   Significantly decreased antral total peptic activity was found in patients with H pylori positive gastritis compared with control, and H pylori negative gastritis.

3.   We found a significant difference in the antral mucosal peptic activity before and after treatment.

a. + activity >>共 1049
economic 6.43%
political 4.94%
terrorist 3.63%
criminal 3.37%
illegal 2.67%
military 2.53%
manufacturing 1.87%
physical 1.85%
sexual 1.71%
volcanic 1.44%
antral 0.02%
antral + n. >>共 14
gastritis 24.24%
biopsy 19.70%
mucosa 13.64%
tumour 9.09%
activity 6.06%
carcinoma 4.55%
cell 4.55%
gastrin 4.55%
region 4.55%
crypt 3.03%
每页显示:    共 4