1.   A large number of working days are lost through the aftereffects of alcohol abuse.

2.   Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.

3.   Clearly many issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and even poverty are socially constructed problems.

4.   Helping young people cope with the impact of drug and alcohol abuse is the focus of the play Coming To.

5.   It makes me nervous to see how large a problem alcohol abuse has become in their country.

6.   Jack came from a family which was riddled with alcohol abuse.

7.   Similarly, the effects of alcohol abuse are often mistaken for depression, again because the physical and mental symptoms are similar.

8.   Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex.

9.   Teenage depression, alcohol abuse, and even suicide are all attributed to the pressures of the exam system.

n. + abuse >>共 239
child 27.44%
drug 22.34%
alcohol 8.59%
sex 5.22%
right 4.84%
police 3.41%
campaign 2.94%
human-rights 2.22%
finance 1.84%
clergy 1.38%
alcohol + n. >>共 233
abuse 16.77%
consumption 10.85%
use 5.12%
content 4.88%
problem 4.39%
sale 3.78%
intake 2.99%
test 2.50%
program 2.26%
limit 1.89%
每页显示:    共 273